Religious Education

Religious Education

Curriculum Intent

Ponteland Primary School aims to develop citizens of global change through equipping them with knowledge and understanding of the world they live in to help them to be informed members of society with a strong sense of social responsibility and justice. 

The intention of our Religious Education curriculum is to inspire our children to develop a deepening knowledge and understanding about a range of religious world views.  We aim to provide our children with religious literacy where they will develop their knowledge and understanding of Christianity, other religious traditions and world views and explore their responses to life's challenges. This gives pupils the knowledge and skills to flourish both within their own community and as members of a diverse and global society.

The children will:

  • Describe and explain religious beliefs and the ways different beliefs are expressed.
  • Know and understand how these beliefs impact individuals, communities and societies.
  • Describe and explain some sources of authority and teachings by studying different religions and world views.
  • Gain skills that enable them to question their learning and think critically about the material they are studying.
  • Have opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development.
  • They will understand not everyone has the same beliefs or views and the importance of being respectful of others.
  • The knowledge they gain through RE they will empower them to challenge prejudice discrimination and racism.

Our RE curriculum enables the children to develop their own moral compass which is informed by listening to the views of others.  Children have the opportunity to discuss and reason their viewpoints in a respectful atmosphere which promotes curiosity to discover more about religion.


  • We use the Northumberland Agreed Syllabus as the basis of our Curriculum. The syllabus encourages enquiry-based learning and provides a developmental approach to RE which is coherent and systematic. Continuity and progression is achieved by building on the knowledge, understanding and skills that pupils gain across and between key stages.
  • Our school values serve to add integrity to attitudes and responses to the subject and to improve the learning environment
  • Children are exposed to an extensive range of vocabulary which builds year on year.

The RE long term plan will be available following the RE lead's upcoming subject training.