

Curriculum Intent

Ponteland Primary School aims to develop citizens of global change through equipping them with knowledge and understanding of world affairs, including those in the past, to help them to be informed members of society with a strong sense of social responsibility and justice. 

"The more you know about the past the better prepared you are for the future"


Our History curriculum is designed to inspire our pupils to become historians and develop their understanding of Britain's past and the wider world by:

  • Bringing the past to life in a variety of ways and by delivering lessons that will spark their curiosity and enthusiasm to learn about the past.
  • Understanding that there are a range of sources that can be used to find out about the past, and that some of these are more reliable than others.
  • Providing children with the knowledge and skills to ask perceptive questions that will deepen their understanding of people, places and events in history.
  • Placing significant figures and historical events in chronological order using words and phrases relating to the passing of time.
  • Understanding the similarities and differences between different periods in history and using these to understand the impact of past events on the present day.
  • Correctly using historical vocabulary when describing events from the past.
  • Developing an increasing understanding of the historical concepts of continuity and change, cause and consequence, and significance and use them to make connections and draw contrasts.


  • Our curriculum is underpinned by the Oxfam Education for Global Citizenship with seven global learning themes developing knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes.
  • Our school values serve to add integrity to attitudes and responses to the subject and to improve the learning environment.
  • We deliver the National Curriculum with a particular focus on four key concepts: settlements, society, power and invasion. This helps the children to understand and compare the characteristics features of each period of history they study.
  • Children are exposed to an extensive range of vocabulary which builds year on year.
  • We understand that getting better history is a cumulative process. Through careful planning of well sequenced historical enquiries, the children are supported to build knowledge systematically, as well as develop the conceptual and disciplinary skills necessary to be a good historian. 

 Please click here to view the History Long Term Plan