Play is fundamental to a child’s health, happiness, development and well-being. OPAL's mission statement is "To ensure that every school child has an amazing playtime every day with no exceptions.

At Ponteland Primary School, we are committed to ensuring quality play opportunities are available to all our children. We believe that play is essential for physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual development of each child.
Most of our best childhood memories are from playing outdoors, climbing trees and exploring the wide world around us. OPAL gives us the opportunity to give those memories to your children. OPAL (Outdoor Play and Learning) is all about using natural and man made resources to allow children to be inspired and creative at playtime whilst learning and developing essential skills.
Through OPAL we aim to:
- improve well-being and support self-regulation
- increase physical activity
- aid social and emotional development
- learn to manage risk and develop resilience
- support resources sharing and collaborative solutions
- have FUN!

OPAL play at Ponteland Primary School has been a huge success so far and the children love playing together outside. Our current offer includes:
- Den building
- A zen zone
- Sandpits
- Mud kitchen and digging area
- Small world play
- Dressing up
- A rotation of sports activities
- 'Loose skips' - skipping ropes, hoops, stilts, scoop bat and balls
The Power of Playtime
Read or download this booklet with lots of practical ideas for busy parents - The-Power-of-Playtime.pdf

OPAL Play Policy

Risk Advice and Record Sheet

How can you support OPAL?
OPAL is all-weather play. Please ensure children are dressed appropriately for the season. Wellies and waterproofs are essential for them to access the full play offer.
Wish List
We continually develop our areas of play and are currently looking for a few items to support OPAL's growth. Donations of any of the following would be greatly received:
- Plastic crates
- Wooden pallets
- Cable drums / reels
- Large buckets and containers
- Dressing up clothes / items (in good condition)
- Small toys (farm animals / dinosaurs / dolls / cars / wooden toys)
- Pots / pans / metal bowls / metal spoons / spatulas / plates (plastic or metal)
If you have any of these items, please email the school office.
We would also be grateful for donations of wet weather clothing that no longer fit your children:
- wellies
- waterproof trousers
Thank you in advance!