The Ponteland Primary Curriculum is knowledge rich, taking our children beyond their own contexts and supporting our commitment for all children to have a deep understanding of the world around them. The curriculum introduces them; to new concepts, contexts and experiences so that they develop a rich cultural capital and become socially aware, confident and reflective young citizens of the world.
Curriculumn Intent
Equipping our children to thrive in today’s environment
Year Groups
Overview of learning for each year group
Reading & Phonics
Find out why we are passionate about reading and we want children to become life long readers
Assesment Information
More information on how we track the individual performance of individual pupils.
Relationship and health education to better understand human relationshipsuam a sodales dui.
Extra Curricular Opportunities
We actively encourage our students to participate in the wide range of activities we offer. elit. Aliquam a sodales dui.
Remote Learning
Our flexible, robust remote education offer caters for many situations. elit. Aliquam a sodales dui.