Global Curriculum

Our Global Curriculum gives our children opportunities to make sense of the increasingly complex and rapidly changing world in which they live. Our curriculum enables pupils to think critically about world issues and to develop an awareness of the impact our actions can have on others.

We follow the Oxfam Education for Global Citizenship approach. Seven global learning themes underpin our curriculum and each theme is
broken down into knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes. In order to achieve depth of thinking we plan for pupils to focus on
three of these themes per year.

Across each year a number of high quality core texts are used to bring the themes to life and to ensure pupils build up sustained relationships with texts
over time. Reading across the curriculum is planned for and texts are selected to deepen understanding around key concepts and knowledge.

Global Curriculum - themes overview

Global Curriculum - knowledge and understanding

Global Curriculum - skills

Global Curriculum - values and attitudes