PSHE and Relationship Education

PHSE and Relationship Education

Curriculum Intent

Ponteland Primary School aims to develop citizens of global change through equipping them with knowledge and understanding of world affairs to help them to be informed members of society with a strong sense of social responsibility and justice. 

The PSHE Curriculum at Ponteland Primary School enables individuals to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society.  Through our RSE teaching, children will have an understanding of their physical and mental health and will develop skills to help them maintain healthy relationships. We equip pupils with understanding and skills to make safe and informed decisions in their school life and beyond.

Within our PSHE teaching, we give children an understanding of the world around us and what it means to live in a diverse society through our Global Curriculum teaching. We will provide opportunities for children to reflect and develop empathy through discussing school, community and global issues and through the Young Leaders Award and Global Outcomes, empower children to ‘be the change’.

Children are taught to explore, develop, express and reason values and opinions, supporting them to make informed choices about how they engage with the world around them.  The children will have a deep understanding of their place in the world and have the skills and empathy to interact with others.


  • PSHE or Personal, Social, Health and Economic education is delivered by class teachers throughout school.
  • PSHE also encompasses RSE (Relationships Education)
  • Our PSHE curriculum is underpinned by the Oxfam Education for Global Citizenship with seven global learning themes developing knowledge and understanding, skills and values and attitudes.
  • The Global Curriculum encompasses a ‘Global Outcome or Project’ which links with the PSHE teaching each half term
  • Our school values serve to add integrity to attitudes and responses to the subject and to improve the learning environment
  • From Early Years through to Year Six children are taught the skills to identify how to respond in different situations with a focus on safe and healthy choices
  • Children are exposed to an extensive range of vocabulary which builds year on year.

Relationships Education

It is now a statutory requirement that schools in England teacher Relationships/ Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) and Health Education. This aims to teach children the building blocks of healthy respectful relationships focusing on families and friendships. This sits alongside our Computing curriculum as we teach children about friendships in all contexts, including online.

PSHE education is the school curriculum subject through which RSE content is delivered in the vast majority of schools because of the connections between health, relationships, economic wellbeing and thriving in life and work.

Please click here to view the PHSE Long Term Plan