

Curriculum Intent

Ponteland Primary school embraces music as a highly valued part of a broad curriculum and a subject which can enhance the development of the whole child. It is our aim that every child at Ponteland Primary School engages in quality music education from their entry until the end of KS2 in Year 6.  

  We believe that an effective Music Education should:

  • Be a vehicle in the enhancement of the physical, social, and cognitive development of children.
  • Be a reflection of the culture and society we live in, therefore providing children with a better understanding of their world.
  • Be a unique way of communicating which can inspire and motivate people.
  • Be a means of personal expression.
  • Be all inclusive and enjoyable.
  • Be respected as an academic and demanding subject, in line with other areas of the school curriculum.

Our aim is to:

  • Provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music.
  • Introduce children to a wide variety of musical forms and styles.
  • Aid the development of language and listening skills so that children can talk about, understand, and make judgements about the quality of music they hear.
  • Plan musical activities, which give pupils a chance to develop transferable skills and develop the ‘whole’ child.
  • Give children opportunities to explore and understand how sounds are made and can be organised into musical structures.
  • Develop the interrelated skills of : Performing, Composing, Notation, Listening and Appraising.
  • Nurture a pupil’s sense of self and allow them to develop and explore their own abilities.

At Ponteland Primary School, we believe that, as part of providing a high-quality musical education, pupils must be provided the opportunity to be inspired by professional musicians in a wide range of musical genres.  We are currently developing links with Scottish Opera, Opera North and The Sage Big Sing Project.


  • In the Early Years department, singing and musical games are incorporated into daily routines and are used to enhance the teaching of the core curriculum as well as the development of control, concentration, social skills and sense of belonging, which gives a solid foundation to the musical skills which will continue to be developed during Key Stage 1.
  • In Key Stage 2, pupils participate in weekly singing assemblies as well as curriculum music lessons.
  • Lessons are delivered by class teachers in KS1 and year 3 and our school Director of Music in Years 4, 5 and 6. Our school subject leader monitors the delivery of lessons and progression of skills throughout the school.
  • In our Music curriculum, musical skills are split into four progression strands: Performing, Composing, Notation, Listening and Appraising. Planned Music Topics ensure that there is progression of musical skills in each strand and throughout each year group.
  • In Key Stage 2, all children learn to play the recorder for at least a term.
  • In addition to music lessons which are planned in line with the expectations and standards of the National Curriculum, we offer a range of extra-curricular music clubs. Although these vary according to demand and needs, we currently have a thriving school choir.
  • Provision for learning Violin, Viola, Cello, Guitar, Flute, Clarinet, Guitar and Keyboard is also provided, for Key Stage 2 pupils, by our private music teachers. Parents are required to pay for these lessons, but our school provides financial support for FSM pupils.
  • We actively seek opportunities for our pupils to regularly perform in public concerts as part of the Pele Learning Trust, as a means of heightening the profile of music within our school, as well as to inspire more children to want to participate.
  • Singing lies at the heart of our school community. Singing assemblies are led across KS2 by the school Director of Music, as part of the weekly timetable. Singing is very much valued as an important and effective part of school life.

Please click here to view the Music Curriculum Overview

Please click here to view the Music Development Plan Summary 2024 / 2025